Grr. Argh.
So, I got the yarn in the right gauge for Tempting, and then we changed our minds and decided to go for Tempting II, which has a different gauge. I refused to swatch, but after about 12 rows, as my first ball of yarn had nearly disappeared, I realized I needed to finally bow to the swatch. So I did! I went down 2 needle sizes because all I had was a circular 8 (which is what the pattern called for, but was too big) and a circular 6. So I swatched on 6's, and now the gauge is too small. I don't want to buy 7s right now, and so I am toying with just using the 8's and trying to do the math to figure out which smaller size to knit. Augh. Math.
Hi Amanda! Saw you on Robin's CR blog :) I started CR recently too...what a small world!
By Jacqueline, at 7:10 AM
I work on steadily on my Traces of Sandemanianism in the Sixth and Seventh Centuries , which I hope to persuade Phillips, Sampson & Co.. I want you to turn those people out of that suite before night! Very well, he replied with a sigh, and got up to do it.. When he spoke again, it was with the old, subdued tone, and the air of quaint solemnity.. It is highly instructive to consider, e.. Cert'nly 'tis, Pink; I knowed you'd say so, an' you know I'd never wish to be nothin' but fa'r 'ith people I like, like I do you an' your wife.. On first analysis I discovered an indifferent but true incident where amyl played a part as the excitant of the dream.. What-all's yo' name? The girl giggled deliciously.. The Major was tall, but whenever he made that wonderful, archaic genuflexion he called a bow, the corners of his frock coat swept the floor.. But, owing to their frequently artificial connection with the central element, they have acquired sufficient intensity to enable them to come to expression.. I do not need to make up my mind.. He had for some time consorted with women sexually, but had then given it up because of inhibitions and now hopes to be able to take it up again with the aid of the treatment.. The wealth of detail, the infinite care never to let anything pass unexplained, with which he presented to the public the result of his investigations, are impressing more and more serious-minded scientists, but the examination of his evidential data demands arduous work and presupposes an absolutely open mind.. Aleck!--you Aleck-k-k! A black boy darted round the corner, from behind which, with several others, he had beheld the brief but stirring scene.. an outlet for the discharge of its excitement, and serve it as a sally port, while, on the other hand, they give the Forec.. It made me compassionate, not cynical. No, I said, I would not speak, if ten Governors presided.. Podington looked at it eagerly; it was not very small and not flimsy. And now, dear Caroline, you must draw a moral from the untoward events of to-day.. No task seemed impossible.. I am sure of it, said the girl.
By Anonymous, at 6:13 PM
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